Hayden is in an inclusion classroom. I love it! He loves it! His new teacher is great and she gets it. Just like his previous teacher she truly embraces Hayden and supports inclusion. His class has a total of 21 students but Hayden is their only student in a walker. At the transition meeting last year it was recommended Hayden get a wheelchair. I respectively declined. I wanted to give my little boy a chance and you know what he is doing it. For the most parts he keeps up with his friends. We still have trouble with paying attention and drifting in our walker but those are things we can work on. He has always been a child kids love and this remains the same this year. I hope it will always be this way. He has made a few consistent friends. I love visiting him for lunch and seeing those friends sit with him. They tell me stories about Hayden that melt my heart. Academically Hayden is working on writing his name. He can write his H and A. He almost has his Y. We are going to start introducing typing, since his ataxia makes writing challenging. He is working hard learning to count to 100 and identifying letters. Geez kindergarten is tough :)
I had his first kindergarten IEP meeting. I dread those. Not because I am not prepared it is because I am listening to all the challenges Hayden faces. I always bring to the meeting some goodies and a letter about Hayden. I want them to remember we are talking about an individual child. For the most part we were on the same page. Some of my ideas the team already included in his updated IEP. I love that he has some of his same therapist/teachers. They truly have been able to see him grow. Our biggest hurdle still is gross motor. While he has improved there is transition time. I felt they definitely are allowing it but it still seems some feel it will present problematic in elementary school. At the end of our meeting a wheelchair was brought up. I get it and understand why the school feels it's the right choice. As a family we are not at that place to say yes we agree. Hayden is walking and keeping up with his peers. Sure it requires extra hands. I hope that will be less and less as he gets older. I still respectfully said no and will continue to fight. My answers are not always the most popular, but I know what my child needs. What we want the most is for school to always be on the same page and always support our goals.
My dearest Hayden:
May you always be our comedian and continue to make us laugh. I hope you always remain happy and stay innocent to the negativity. I hope you always continue to work hard and show the world yes you can. I love your smile, your laugh, and your hugs. You are part of my heart always.
I am so proud of you!!