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Thursday, May 9, 2013

IEP's, accommodations, oh my!

Ten days has fast approached me today. Ten days ago I left an IEP meeting for Hayden feeling sad, defeated and so worried about our big transition to kindergarten. I worried would Hayden's new teachers, para's and peers love him the same? Is the new beautiful school a perfect beautiful school for Hayden. I was saddened that we had to leave behind Hayden's teacher's and para's who we adore. Who Hayden adores. I left that last meeting digesting the fact we had to talk about a wheel chair and all that meant to our family. What that meant to Hayden. I reached out to friends and even had a very wonderful mama who walks this journey check in on me. My world during that first IEP transition meeting felt defeated. I was shocked to hear those words and still need time to digest those words. Please do not think I oppose wheelchairs. I have met many wonderful adults and children who live a rich and fulfilling life using a wheelchair for assistance. 

What I do not think the therapist or others truly understand is our journey. Hayden has traveled on a journey for five years. We have celebrated and cried on this journey. I also cried and had to accept Hayden needed a walker. It takes time and a ton of emotional acceptance to digest adaptive equipment. I felt at that first meeting all the work and all the dreams we had for Hayden needed to change again. I am not ready to change my dreams just yet. I have big dreams for my son. I hope to continue to use less support and reach more independence. You know what he is proving he wants that too. Hayden wants to walk in stores, he wants to run with his friends, he wants to do things for himself. This is why I am making a choice for him. I am saying no to starting the school year in a wheelchair. I am asking for a try and for everyone to believe he deserves to try. 

School means well, the therapist means well, and people close to Hayden mean well. However, I believe my little boy deserves his chance in his light weight walker he fought to finally be able to use. Today, I feel happy and proud of what I accomplished for Hayden. I am giving him the opportunity he deserves but I am also being open minded this may be our future. For the past five years our future has changed and I know will continue to evolve. I am excited to see what next year brings. I am excited to work with our new teacher and administrators to help Hayden be the best he can be.