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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wonderful start to 2012

Wow, I have so  much to catch every one up on.  We had a bit of a rocky start to our holidays. Hayden started out sick with croup and strep throat poor guy.  Despite being sick he enjoyed his Christmas and celebrating his birthday on December 31st. I am still sad my little man is growing up. This has hit me this year that he really is a big boy now.

On January 7th we had his birthday party with his friends and cousins at a place called xbos in Smyrna, Delaware. This place is wonderful for Hayden and really for many kids with disabilities. It is a soft play facility and you can hold birthday parties. Hayden had so much fun crawling through the tunnels and playing ski ball his favorite game. We arrived there around 11:30am and didn't get out of there until 3pm! Hayden did not want to leave but mommy and daddy sure were tired. To see the smile on his face all day was priceless. This by far was his best birthday party. We even had a few friends come from his preschool class at school. It was great to see Hayden interact with everyone.

Last night was our big news. As many of you know we have been working on independent walking. Through our practice we have been working on walking only holding one hand. Last night he did it with ease. He told me mommy I walk to show Julia. That is his baby sister who he loves dearly. He was able to walk holding my one hand in our family room, up a step, through the kitchen, in our foyer to the office in the front of our house. He wanted to do it again but we had to shower to get ready for school today. We made such a big deal telling him how proud we were and what a great job he did. We also had him give Julia a high five. She is six months now so that was super cute. He was beaming ear to ear.  I just love him so much and I am so proud of everything he does.  Here is to a great start to 2012 even though it was a tad rocky at first with illnesses.

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